The Holy Qur'an Interpretation Series - Systematic Interpretation: Volume 2
About Product
- Weight: 2.3 lb
- Author: Ahmad Nawfal
- Format: Hardcover
- Ages: High School
- Language: Arabic
- Pages: 426
- Dimensions: (9" X 11")
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- This book is a useful curriculum for schools teaching the interpretation of the whole Qur’an.
- The authors followed one systematic, closed, and gradual method while they interpreted the Qur’an.
- Here are some points that were- Clear and simple sentences appropriate to students’ ages and levels
- Each lesson begins with new and previous vocabulary words that students need to know while learning the meanings of the Qur’an
- Brief introductions explains general ideas for each Surah.- Interpretation for each Surah in direct language
- Provides a connection between previous Surahs and upcoming ones.
- Provides one interpretation that most interpreters agree on with careful avoidance of weak and multi-interpretations.
- Follows the predecessor method while interpreting Allah’s character verses.- Provides several enrichment activities that aim to stimulate students while searching and thinking of Surahs’ meanings; thus, these activities keep information fresh in the minds of students while they discuss the results with teachers.- Provides each Surah with significant lessons for teachers to bridge the connection between each theme and its related verse
- This is useful to guide students and deepen their Islamic morals.
- Each lesson ends with multiple questions which aim to evaluate student comprehension
- Provides foot notes of sayings, narrations, events, or ahaddith related to the lesson theme which enriches students’ knowledge
- Provides only Al-Sahih ahaddith, plus mentions the group of ahadith reporters and the history behind each Sarah’s revelation.Vol. 2: Surahs Al-Imran and Al-Nisa
Product Code: 9789957085728
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