This Fresh Relax teether from Chicco is designed to soothe gums during 4M+ teething phase. Chicco has designed a complete range of products to meet the individual needs of babies during the various teething phases (2m+chewing, 4m+ refreshing, 6m+ stimulating).
رقم الموديل : 8003670844891
في 2022-07-17
اللون: أزرق
ممتازة بتنحط بالفريزر و بتعطيها للبيبي و كتير بحبها ابني كتير كان ينبسط عليها لما كان يسنن
في 2022-06-02
اللون: أزرق
Chicco ia a very good brand, higy recommended teether, it has a soft chewable side and another hard side
في 2022-03-22
اللون: فوشي
ساعدت بنتي كتير بموضوع الم اللثة وتحسسها؛ا بحطلها باها بالتلاجة شوي بعطين بعطيعا ياها بتجنن
في 2019-12-23
اللون: فوشي
Very bad my child all most Suffocated from it because the yellow part is smaller than the child's mouth ..... Don't worth Money ... And bad service from well known company as Chicco .. they don't give money back nor replace the item ... Not even confess their fault